
Clothes Calls: How to Avoid and Correct “Wardrobe Malfunctions” when Networking

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When you network regularly, as I do, you pay a lot of attention to the way you present yourself. You also learn, through trial and error, how to avoid and correct clothing mishaps that completely ruin the first impression you make. Having experienced many such mishaps, I feel highly qualified to share a few tips with other women who network (especially klutzy women who network during the summer months):

  1. Prepare your outfit in advance. That way you’ll have no last-minute surprises, such as missing buttons or stains you didn’t notice earlier. Furthermore, if you need to iron your outfit, make sure to do this in advance, too, so you don’t end up in a panic as I did when I waited until the last minute to iron my outfit and proceeded to burn it (I’m Antman; not Iron-Man).
  2. Stock up on stockings. The jury’s out on whether or not women should wear pantyhose in the summer, but if you err on the side of caution and wear them, bring an extra pair with you.
  3. Expect stains when you least expect them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on my way to a meeting and suddenly notice a chocolate stain on the sleeve of my blazer. Fortunately, stain removers come in handy “pen” sizes. Carry one with you.
  4. Bring blazers in a bag in warm weather. Some people wear dresses to meetings, and dresses are often comfortable when the temperature is high. But I’m more of a blazer aficionado myself. If you are too, then consider folding blazers up nicely in a bag and taking the bag with you to the meeting. When you arrive at the appropriate air-conditioned location, you can put on the blazer and stick the plastic bag in your purse for use later.
  5. Be on guard against loose buttons and stuck zippers. Have a safety pin or even a binder clip in your bag in case this happens.
  6. Mind the paper trail. Paper cuts are common, especially when you are bringing documents with you to a meeting.   Make sure you have some bandages with you.
  7. Beware inclement weather. Listen to the weather forecast, but don’t trust it 100 percent. If the sky looks even remotely gray, bring an umbrella. These days, you can find small ones that don’t take up much room. Bonus tip: If you live in the U.K., bring an umbrella even if the sky is bright blue.
  8. Curb your enthusiasm for curbs when it’s raining. If you have to cross streets on your way to a meeting, stay clear of the curbs so you don’t get sprayed by a car going through a puddle. Soggy is not a good look.
  9. Tame the effects of animals. People don’t always clean up after their dogs. Watch where you’re going, and bring some handi-wipes with you in case you step in something unpleasant. Pigeons don’t care about your important meeting, either. Again, bring the handi-wipes.
  10. Don’t sweat it.  Leave early for your meeting if you’re taking public transportation because you don’t want to be racing after an oh-too-frequent subway or bus delay.  Sweat is not a fashionable accessory.

In summary, with a little advance planning, along with packing a few “correctional” tools for clothing crises, even the klutziest among us can make a good impression. Even in the dog days of summer. So go ahead. Turn up the heat – on your networking strategy. Good luck!