
What PR Pros Can Learn from Opera Singers (Yes, Really)

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Opera singers are among the hardest-working people I know.  Their work ethic in itself is a model for people in any industry.  But successful opera singers also demonstrate admirable behaviors and attitudes that are especially relevant to PR professionals.  Specifically:

They Learn Languages

Operas are in English, Italian, Russian, German, French and many other languages.  For this reason, learning foreign languages is essential for opera singers.  Indeed, singers who care about conveying emotions translate the texts of what they sing word for word so they know exactly what they’re singing about.

Admittedly, few PR people have to conduct business in a foreign language, but we do need to familiarize ourselves with the business lingo used by the people in the sectors we represent.  Fluency is not necessary, but a certain comfort level is.  If we don’t attain it, we cannot communicate effectively, as the best singers do.

They Don’t Give Up

Successful opera singers know that getting one gig from as many as 50 auditions is a good result nowadays, when audiences and company budgets are shrinking.  These singers don’t despair or take rejections personally; instead, they maintain a positive attitude and keep trying.

PR professionals face frequent rejection, too, when we propose story ideas to media, another industry that is struggling – particularly in the realm of print.  As the singers do, we need to keep trying. You never know what might appeal to a reporter.  If it’s a good pitch, someone will eventually bite.  And speaking of biting…

They Don’t Backbite

Who hates the song “It’s a small world after all”?  I do, but that doesn’t mean that the lyrics aren’t valid.  The opera world and the PR world are both surprisingly small.  If you behave badly by talking trash about your colleagues and clients, word will get around within the industry (remember, we’re communicators, so – duh — we communicate).  As a result, the next time you’re looking for a gig or a job, your reputation just might prevent you from landing it.

Clearly, by modeling ourselves after successful opera singers, we PR people can set the stage for a thriving career.